Monday, April 22, 2013


Based on this Subject Graphic design 2 (PART 2) same tittle with Illustration 2, the tittle called " Culture and Heritage". So, student need to find one issue about Culture and heritage. After research i have to write down and doing mind mapping and then choose which issue is the best can do it. 

1. Sexual intercourse (not enough year old)
2. Parent Abuse 
3. Denaturation 
4. Rape 
5. Technology
6. Sms (English language)
7.Home robbery

Number six is my final Topic called "SMS Language(Short Message Service). A lot of people was thinking using sms will destroy English Language. Example like school work ( will influence student in paper work using short form), Teenager (they normally habit using whole sentences). For Foreigners would be more officially to English
language,in Malaysia the language is national and officially known Bahasa Malaysian.  Second language in Malaysia is English language. 

Normally sms is not destructive English Language it is simply another form of it. Sms Language is a very freeway just like the words are very close friend. Sms Language is useful in text messaging, therefore saving time and expense. Besides that, advantage of Sms Language such as save time, save space (limitation of 160 ­character per message), save money (a cheaper way to communication), fast communication (quick and efficient method), cant spot mistake, ease of communication, abbreviated language to minimize the character, easier to type and also have cute smiley icon, quick funny emotions and anime.

In Malaysia,  I understand why people use abbreviations, though. It makes it much easier to communicate with their fellow peers, cuts button pressing by half and we’re just that save time, save money, save space to not spell out the whole word sentences. So, i want to telling everyone the key message this is a new Style of communication. 

Research (EXAMPLE) : 

Idea and Concept

My idea and concept is promote the sms language. Based on what my idea is doing on installation with stop motion, i want to send out the key message called "new style of communication", the installation make it look interesting, unique and really can work. When i research i found something inspiration from Vimeo called "Tim Knol - when i am king" (Sverre Fredriksen - director)i was thinking they using the soldered ten tons (or thereabouts) of timber to create the all images, and stop motion to animate them.,  (Tim Knol - when i am king),  (Making of Tim Knol - when i am king)

My installation idea would be trying using solder to draw on the wood with the stop motion.  Beside that, i want the installation to make it real Malaysia city and the stop motion show how their new style of communication.  And then i never learn before what is stop motion and never touch too. So, for this semester i really wanna try how to make it stop motion. 

Idea and sketches 

For this semester we need do more research using mind mapping on the wall. 

Story Board

First i want one by one to build up then until complete. After that, can start the story. First story Grace waiting her friend called Liz, and then Grace straight away Sms (short message service) to Liz

Grace : Where are yo? 
Otw :) : Liz 
Grace : ok. 

This is what i want to show everyone in their using new style of communication now. 
For example : "OTW : )" 
i want to let others people to understand how waste time write a complete sentence? compare with the "Where are you?” and abbreviation word "otw:)" 

next story is  got one boy sitting there waiting her girl friend. Third story is got one student asking his friend deadline for assignment tomorrow.    

Last story is asking his friend on FB chat box about the pass docs to boss. 

Create own icon, emotion and anime.


Idea for "Stop Motion" 

Finalized i choose the second idea, using wood doing on stop motion and then step by step. 

Idea and sketches

Everything research and sketch paste on the wall. 

What Material what i prepare it 

Making Process (experimental)

First using Solder i know the feeling, Solder really can work, but should be careful because is really hot, when i first trying the solder is really hot, because solder need to wait until the hot only can draw on the wood. So, when i draw on the wood, i not careful injured on my hand, no matter how when using solder should be careful.   Everyone can try solder to draw in wood. But better don't try it. (IS DANGEROUS)


This is what i want to start prepare to shooting at my hostel, i waiting the nature light to shooting. Nature light is hard to shoot, but nature light is more nice for me. Because my idea is real city life, so i need to take it the nature life is more suitable. I know nature light is not easy to get it, every time i want wake up early waiting the sun come out. Sometimes raining, i also cant shoot because weather will become dark. If really want to get nature light really is not easy to work. This is what i first doing stop motion. Stop motion really quick interesting and fun, but if the project only doing own self is really hard. If really want to be perfect stop motion should in group doing stop motion. I already know when i experimental. 

Problem (First Shoot)

After finish the story board, but until when i want to start shoot sure have a problem the back. For example, when i start to shoot i don't know is it take vertical or horizontal, because some of part is horizontal part and vertical part. So, i was thinking is can work, until the end is cant work because the screen already set. If i want horizontal just only can take vertical because i want to show how to start that part. So the horizontal part i only can decide the focus part want to show.  


Sorry guys, my blog got something problem, cant embed into my blog, so hope you guys click the link then will straight away go to there. Thanks 

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